When you’re getting started with chickens on your homestead, it’s important to pick the right breed. You want friendly, easygoing, and fun chickens to be around. And if you’ve got kids, it’s even better if the breed you choose makes your kids’ first experience with chickens special. In this blog post, we will check out some of the best chicken breeds to start with.
My Top 10 Chicken Breeds To Start With
1. Brahma
Brahmas are my favourite breed. These gentle giants are perfect for beginners. I’ve always had at least one in my flock because they’re so calm and tend to look after the others. The ones pictured above are Lemon Pyle Brahmas. I currently have one named Clementine. She’s such a sweetheart. Due to their size, feathery legs/feet, and lack of comb/wattle, they’re also fantastic for colder climates.
The only thing to keep in mind is that these guys are huge. They will need more space.
Average eggs a year in their prime: 200 light brown eggs.
2. Ameraucana
Bearded chickens hold a special place in my heart. They pack so much personality into their bodies and at the same time, they are great with people. Their quirkiness will bring joy into your day. Almost half my flock is bearded or ameraucanas They’re great for beginners and colder climates because of their comb (or lack thereof). Their great temperament makes them a good choice for kids. Who doesn’t love seeing a bearded chicken? Did I mention that they also lay blue eggs?
Average eggs a year in their prime: 200 blue eggs.
3. Silkies
You may be asking yourself, “Is that even a chicken?” Yes… yes, it is. Silkies are great for kids, not just for their fun appearance but also their pleasant temperament. They are great with being handled. I had some growing up on my family farm, and they were something I looked forward to seeing and taking care of every day. They’re a smaller breed, so they work better for small coops. Keep in mind that they don’t do great in colder climates, though.
Average eggs per year: 100-120 white eggs.
4. Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Reds are what I like to call bomb-proof. Nothing seems to bother these chickens. They have a very stable personality – making them great for kiddos. They’re also great layers and because they are dual-purpose, they’re ideal for colder conditions.
Average eggs per year: 250-300 brown eggs.
5. Appenzeller Spitzhauben
The name might be a mouthful, but these are great starter chickens. Pictured above are my two girls. I got them from a lady who sold them on Kijiji. I didn’t know what they’d be like since I had no experience with their breed, but I fell in love with them. They’re quirky, and the lady who had them had kids, and they were bonded to them. They also have a heart pattern on their feathers, making them a fun addition to any flock. Also, despite being lean, the breed originates from Switzerland, which ensures they’ve been bred for harsh winters.
Average eggs laid per year: 150-180 white eggs.
6. Barred Rock
Barred rocks are amongst the common breeds you’ll find when ordering chicks. They’re dual-purpose and have a docile demeanor. Pictured above is my girl Ursula out with her babies. All the barred rocks I’ve enjoyed raising over the years always had such a balanced temperament. I’d recommend them to anyone just starting out or with kids.
Average eggs per year: 250 light brown eggs.
7. Wyandotte
Wyandottes are striking chickens, that come in a range of colours. Pictured above is my girl Rose, a silver-laced Wyandotte. I’d recommend this breed to anyone because of their calm personality and balanced temperament. They’re an excellent choice for families.
Average eggs per year: 150-200 light brown eggs.
8. Buff Orphington
If I could only recommend one breed to families or beginners – it would be the Buff Orphington. They are the perfect addition to anyone’s flock. These docile chickens are dual-purpose and crowned egg layers. I always have a few of these in my flock, and both my roosters were Buff Orphingtons. I can’t say enough good things about them. They’d do well in any homestead, but they’d be great for kids because of their gentle demeanor.
Average eggs a year: 200-280 light brown eggs.
9. Polish
Who wouldn’t love this face? This unique bird is friendly and personable but they’re better for older children (above the age of 5). Since they can spook easily. They are better for warmer climates since they don’t handle the cold well.
Average eggs per year: 150- 200 white eggs.
10. Copper Maran
These sweet chickens are a great first choice for kids. They aren’t easily bothered by much. They also lay a beautiful dark-chocolate-coloured egg, adding some variety to your eggs if you decide to sell them or for your own enjoyment. They’re great for cooler temps, too.
Average eggs per year: 150-200 dark brown eggs.
Whether you’re looking for great layers, friendly pets, or a mix of the two, these chicken breeds are perfect for beginners and kids alike. They will not only provide a fun and educational experience but also instill a sense of responsibility and connection to nature in children. What better way to teach kids about animal care and the value of food than by raising chickens together?
Let me know in the comments how your first experience was with raising chickens!