As the days grow shorter and temperatures begin to drop, it’s time to turn our attention to prepping the garden for winter. With the principles of natural gardening and permaculture in mind, you can create a resilient, sustainable space that not only survives the colder months but thrives in the spring. I’m the type of gardener where nothing goes to waste, and I try my best not to disturb my soil, so this step-by-step guide will reflect that. So here’s how to prepare your garden for winter.
1. Reflect On Successes and Failures
Before diving into preparations, assess your garden. Note which plants thrived and which didn’t, and consider how you can improve the layout for next year. This reflection will inform your winterizing strategies and help you maximize your space in the coming seasons. Take note of any diseased plants so you can dispose of them or treat them as needed. Also, write down which plants went where. By doing this, you can rotate the crops for next year so you don’t deplete the soil.
2. Cut and Drop
While clearing every leaf and stem is tempting, resist the urge to remove everything from your garden. Fallen leaves, dried plant matter, and old stems provide a habitat for beneficial insects and contribute to soil health as they decompose. Instead, remove any diseased plants and weeds that may harbour pests or diseases. I also leave anything that went to seed that year for the birds throughout the winter.
Tip: Create a “wild area” where natural debris can accumulate. This will enhance biodiversity and provide shelter for overwintering creatures.
3. Building Healthy Soil
Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. As you prepare your garden for winter, consider adding organic matter to your garden beds. This can be compost, well-rotted manure, or leaves. These amendments will feed your soil organisms and improve the structure, setting you up for success in the spring.
4. Mulching: Your Winter Blanket
Mulching is a critical component of winter preparation. A thick layer of organic mulch—such as straw, wood chips, or shredded leaves—will insulate your soil, regulate temperature, and retain moisture. It also suppresses weeds and feeds the soil as it breaks down.
Tip: Aim for a mulch depth of 3 to 4 inches to ensure effective insulation and weed suppression.
5. Plant Cover Crops
If you have bare soil, consider planting cover crops like clover, vetch, or rye. When tilled under in the spring, these plants prevent erosion, improve soil structure, and add nutrients to the soil. They also provide habitat for beneficial insects and enhance biodiversity.
Tip: Choose cover crops based on your specific climate and soil needs to maximize their benefits.
6. Protecting Perennials and Shrubs
A layer of mulch will help protect perennial plants’ roots from frost. For more tender species, consider wrapping the base with burlap or using protective collars made of straw or leaves. For young trees and shrubs, use tree guards to protect against wildlife.
Tip: Ensure that mulch doesn’t touch the stems directly to prevent rot.
7. Prune and Transplant Trees
Pruning and transplanting trees is best done in the fall. Trees are entering dormancy at this time, so transplanting and pruning will cause minimal stress. Pruning in the fall also promotes new growth when spring rolls around. Transplanting in the fall means the trees can establish their root system before winter, and you don’t have to water them in the spring.
8. Plant Fall Bulbs and Bring In Spring Bulbs
Once you plan out what your garden will look like next year, you can plant your fall bulbs. If you live somewhere cold like I do, you might have to bring in certain bulbs. I always bring in my dahlia bulbs for winter storage, so they’re protected. Wait until the foliage of the plant has died back. Carefully dig up the bulbs to avoid damage. Remove any excess soil and allow them to dry in a warm, well-ventilated place for a few days. Once dry, store the bulbs in a cool, dry place – in a paper or mesh bag. I always add a bit of sawdust in with them to prevent moisture. Check back occasionally and ensure they’re not rotting or getting moldy.
10. Winter Renewal
Winter is a time of resting and reflecting. This is an excellent time to get a gardening journal and plan your garden for next year. You could also spend this time researching aspects that went wrong during the last growing season to avoid them in the future. As winter changes to spring, you can start seeds indoors.
Check out my blog post: Secrets You Need To Know Before Starting Seeds Indoors
Preparing your garden for winter doesn’t have to be a chore; it’s an opportunity to nurture your soil, protect your plants, and plan for a thriving spring. By incorporating natural gardening techniques and permaculture principles, you’ll create a resilient ecosystem that sustains itself year after year. So grab your gloves, enjoy the crisp air, and get your garden ready for its winter rest!